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Your ultimate guide to Grand Canyon National Park

If you have a love of exploring, the Grand Canyon should be an essential element of your life’s travels – here’s how to do it

“Grand” is a weighty word to carry at the front of your name. It makes a remarkable promise; one that New York’s Grand Central Terminal lives up to in its cathedral-like main concourse; one which the Grand Western Canal, whose Somerset section is gradually fading from view, two centuries after it was constructed, perhaps fails to keep.
But there are no such shortcomings when it comes to the Grand Canyon. If ever there were a landmark worthy of the adjective, it is this enormous scar in the soil, cutting a path through the hard terrain and desert drama of Arizona. Its bare numbers alone convey its majesty – it is 277 miles in length, up to 18 miles wide, and more than a mile deep in sections. It is also effectively timeless – in that science has struggled to establish its birthday. Estimates as to its age run from 70 million years in parts to six million in others.
Of course, it is also a work in progress; an ever-changing corridor, through sandstone and limestone, that is being eroded at every moment by the Colorado River – meandering on its eternal 1,450-mile odyssey from the summit spaces of the Rocky Mountains to the sea-level endgame of the Gulf of California. The Grand Canyon wears the river’s touch on its flanks, the rock stripped back and naked where the currents have gone on their way.
In short, it is a world wonder. While it is undoubtedly America’s most famous protected space (it has been ring-fenced as Grand Canyon National Park since 1919), it is so huge, and so significant, that its heritage feels global; a key part of all our yesterdays. True, it is not unique (for one thing, the Kali Gandaki Gorge in Nepal is deeper), but if you have a love of exploring, the Grand Canyon should be an essential element of your life’s travels.
Few things are trickier to pinpoint exactly than a geographical showpiece that is roughly the same length as the drive between London and Newcastle. But, to answer the question succinctly, the Grand Canyon burrows across the north-west of Arizona – a state which also deals in heavy numbers (114,000 square miles; the sixth biggest of the 50 US states).
To be more specific, Grand Canyon National Park lurks 215 miles to the north of the Arizona capital Phoenix – but closer, in a straight line, to another, more fabled US city. If you fly across to it, the canyon is just 130 miles to the east of Las Vegas (although around 275 miles away if you conduct the pilgrimage in a car). Either way, for a thing of wild contours, it is hugely accessible; an easy addition to any western road-trip.
In spite of having 277 miles to choose from, the vast majority of the Grand Canyon’s visitors (just over six million people per year) head for one main location – Grand Canyon Village, on the South Rim. Those craving a quieter experience can aim instead for the less-seen North Rim – although this requires a more complex journey (see below).
More than anything, perhaps, it is its range of colours. However long the gradual process, all those many millions of years of erosion – by both wind and water – have exposed a high-piled banquet of geological layers; not just sandstone and limestone, but shale, granite and gneiss. The result is a rainbow in a variety of different shades; a subtle canvas in pink, orange, red and brown which seems to alter its appearance according to the time of day and the angle of the sun upon it. Sunset, it is perhaps fair to say, offers the whole spectacle at its most photogenic; the landscape seeming to shape-shift as the light departs.
Of course, you do not have to enjoy the show from above. With adequate preparation, it is wholly possible to hike into the canyon. Both the South Kaibab Trail (6.8miles) and the Bright Angel Trail (9.3 miles) begin at Grand Canyon Village, and descend to the bottom.
Generally, the Grand Canyon is more celebrated for its geology than its biology and biodiversity. But such is the range in altitude between riverbed and rim – the former skulks at about 2,000ft (610m) above sea level; the latter at 8,803ft (2,683m, at Point Imperial, on the North Rim) – that a suitably wide array of wildlife can be observed, if you know where to look, and what to watch out for. In the upper elevations, you may be able to spot a few big beasts – the mountain lion, the black bear, the elk, the porcupine. Lower down, you might see bighorn sheep and mule deer perched on sheer slopes, raccoons and weasels scurrying, coyotes loping. Peer upwards, meanwhile, and the sky should be alive with broad wings and motion – the peregrine falcon swirling in the blue, the red-tailed hawk holding its pose in silhouette, the California condor grace personified.
Aside from the trails and animals mentioned above, there’s plenty on offer during a trip to the Grand Canyon.
A hike can be wonderful, but if you want to experience the Grand Canyon without the effort, there are regular bus tours along the South Rim. The longest, the Desert View Tour, covers 52 miles in four hours ($90/£73;
You can explore the canyon without using your own two feet – following the example of pioneers of yore by letting a mule do all the hard work. Donkey rides are available at the South Rim (from $170/£138; all year-round; – and the North (from $50/£41; May to October only;
Depending on your head for heights, the best view of the Grand Canyon may be from above. Papillon offers helicopter jaunts from its base at the South Rim (from $239/£194 per person), while Grand Canyon Airlines offers something similar – with wings rather than rotorblades (from $179/£145).
Those with a real head for heights can test their courage on the Grand Canyon Skywalk. This horseshoe-shaped cantilever “bridge” was inaugurated in 2007 by the Hualapai Native American tribe. It sits some 115 miles west of Grand Canyon Village (about 240 miles away by road), at “Grand Canyon West”, and juts out over the chasm for 70ft (21m). Don’t (or perhaps do) look down. From $64 (£52;
For true devotees of the Grand Canyon, there is only one place to sleep – Phantom Ranch, the thoroughly secluded retreat concealed on the chasm floor. Planning ahead is essential. Reservations must be made 15 months in advance, and via an online lottery system; cabins from $214 (£174) for two people.
The drive to the Grand Canyon’s South Rim is a relatively simple procedure, on excellent roads. From Phoenix, it is an almost straight shot north, via Flagstaff and Williams – on Interstates 17 and 40, then Route 64. Two of these highways – the 40, and the 64, with the addition of Route 93 down through Nevada – will also draw you in from Las Vegas.
Vegas is the best start-point if you want to visit the North Rim, though Interstate 15 will take you briefly into Utah before Route 87 pulls you back south through Arizona. The trip to the North Rim is impractical from Phoenix, as you have to go round the entire canyon.
There are direct flights to both cities from the UK. Phoenix welcomes both American Airlines and British Airways from Heathrow; Virgin Atlantic joins BA in flying in to Las Vegas from Heathrow (with BA providing an additional, seasonal service from Gatwick).
You can, of course, fly a little closer. Grand Canyon National Park Airport is located in Tusayan, seven miles south of the South Rim, while Grand Canyon West Airport, owned and run by the Hualapai, serves holidaymakers aiming for the Skywalk. Numerous tour operators offer by-air day-trips from Vegas – including Canyon Tours.
For a more romantic approach there is also the Grand Canyon Railway – which covers the 65 miles between Williams and the South Rim (returns from $32/£26).
The main cluster of accommodation options, at least within the national park, is next to the South Rim at Grand Canyon Village. Bright Angel Lodge has been one of the most popular hotels since it was constructed in 1935, and provides 90 “units”, of varying scale.
From $136 (£105);
Less visited, and so less equipped to deal with crowds, the North Rim does, however, have a place for slumber. Grand Canyon Lodge is the only option within the national park on the “other” side of the chasm – and is only open in the summer, from May to October.
From $143 (£110);
You don’t have to stay within the boundaries of the national park. There are possibilities aplenty just outside the South Entrance – in the various hotels festooned around the edges of Tusayan. The unflashily modern Grand Canyon Plaza, a three-star, is one such option.
From $179 (£138);
There is no point in battling around to the North Rim in winter. The harder to reach “opposite side” of Grand Canyon National Park is closed between October and mid-May.
However, the South Rim is open to the public at all times of year. And while the Grand Canyon probably seems at its best in the slanting rays of a summer sunset, it also looks thoroughly magical in winter, beneath a blanket of snow. Wrap up warm, grab a camera.
This story was first published in April 2023 and has been revised and updated.
